How we are going greener with eco-friendly building practices: part three - green homes

Cambridge Scaffolding - How we are going greener with eco-friendly building practices: part three - green homes

In this current series of blog posts, we are covering how scaffolding, construction, and architecture can be made greener to help mitigate the worst impacts of the rapidly changing climate. 

In our last post, we explored last week how eco-friendly construction sites are turning to greener production and manufacturing methods in order to help lessen their impact on the wider environment of the planet.  

In this blog post, we explore how the scaffolding and construction industry can become more eco-friendly and help save the planet by designing and building greener residential buildings. In our next post in the series, we will explore how greener commercial buildings can be designed, developed, and built across the world. 

Say hello to green homes

Every day, we all help contribute to the ill health of our beautiful home by burning energy inefficiently. We overly rely on the heating to keep us warm, the air-conditioner to keep us cold during the hot summer months, we leave lights on in rooms we are no longer using, and we overuse all of our electronic equipment. Not only does this skyrocket our energy bills, costing us money every month, it also has a bad impact on the planet. 

While there is lots we can do independently, to help mitigate our own carbon footprints: we look to architects, builders, and designers to design and produce highly energy efficient homes and commercial properties - such as all of our many offices, schools, and shopping centres, to help lessen the worst impacts on the environment. 

Green homes begin with good design. Homes designed to benefit the environment with energy saving design features are called ‘smart homes’. Smart homes are designed to be earth-friendly and to conserve on energy. 

Smart homes: all in the planning

Smart homes begin with clever design. Homes are designed to maximize the daylight as much as possible through properties that can be fitted with large windows and solar panels. Homes are positioned so that they can be bathed in sunlight. To greenify indoor light, LED lights - which save on energy bills - can be installed. 

In addition, smart homes are also designed so that any gaps in the construction are properly sealed: such as the joints, doors, and vents.  

Installation also has a role to play in saving on energy, as Stephanie Horowitz,  managing director of ZeroEnergy Design (speaking to Forbes) notes, “Low-tech solutions such as continuous insulation and air sealing have a big impact on the energy efficiency of a home — especially in cold climates,” says Horowitz. “These systems don’t break. There is no maintenance. And they have been around for a really long time.”

From homes to commercial buildings

Green home design is important for saving energy bills and the planet. There is lots that can be done to help improve the energy efficiency of our homes through smart design. In part four, we show you how we can build eco-friendly commercial properties.

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